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How to Handle Difficult Employees Safely and Securely

Employee notifications such as terminations, reductions in force, lay-offs, performance reviews, or disciplinary action can be difficult interventions with any employee. But when you have an employee who is difficult to handle or has the propensity of violence, it can pose a potential risk to the organization if not done properly. The safety and wellbeing […]

The Ongoing Threat of Civil Unrest – And What to Do About It

The ongoing political and civil unrest has undoubtedly created uncertainty for organizations of all types that could be potential targets or in the vicinity of this type of conflict. What does it look like for teams to be “ready” when they don’t know what they might face – directly or indirectly? How to Prepare for […]

A Voice of Calm in the Midst of Chaos

The recent political unrest that took place at our nation’s Capitol and other locations are contributing to the already existent levels of anger, disorder, and panic. As a nation, the continued level of unrest has left our collective hearts wounded. As we continue to navigate these challenging times, our mission at R3 Continuum remains the […]

The Missing Peace: Navigating Political Disruption in the Workplace

In this increasingly polarized moment, it often seems workplaces have as many opinions as there are employees. While differences can be normal and nothing new, leaders and line workers alike are finding it increasingly challenging to navigate this choppy dynamic. If ignored or unaddressed, these tensions pose a risk to productivity and safety as workers […]

Maintaining Relationships Amid Election 2020

Election season is upon us. It’s hard to avoid since it’s literally permeating every aspect of our daily lives. It always seems to every 4 years, but this year seems like overload. The trifecta perhaps- novel coronavirus, civil unrest, and a presidential election. It can be hard to know which way is up, which direction […]

The Great Divide

COVID-19… Immigration… Gender Roles… Civil Unrest… and dare I say it… Politics. The list of issues that have polarized our nation goes on and on, with new ones emerging on an almost daily basis. Rather than being disinterested bystanders on the sidelines, everyone seems to be picking a side and defending their territory – including […]

Suicide Awareness and Prevention in the Workplace

According to the World Health Organization, one person dies every 40 seconds around the world from suicide. On top of that, for every suicide there are more than 20 suicide attempts. And with the COVID-19 pandemic, stress levels across the globe have only intensified mental health concerns and suicide rates. These dynamics are daunting and highlight […]

Behavioral Health in the Delivery Service Industry

Of all the words that have become commonplace for the general population over the past several months (quarantine, self-isolation, distance, virtual- everything, antibodies, etc.), you don’t hear much talk of economic growth, hiring, or expansion. These are just not current realities for many industries. For the parcel industry, however, business is booming. Why go out […]

Healthcare Workers Continue to Deal With Workplace Violence

Workplace violence in healthcare settings has been an issue for some time. Threats of violence against doctors, nurses, and other medical personnel can come from irate patients or family, from co-workers often due to working in a stressful environment, and because of a termination or another typical workplace action. The COVID-19 crisis has intensified workplace […]

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