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Imposter Syndrome – How to Understand Acknowledge, and Overcome it

Imposter Syndrome is something that most people have likely encountered in their career at some point. The feeling of not being qualified for a job or interviewing for a position you didn’t feel confident you could get. Imposter Syndrome is defined as an internal experience of believing that you are not as competent as others […]

The Aftermath of Disruption: How to Create an emotionally Healthy Workplace

In a massive understatement, the last 2 years have been challenging for us all. And while we are not through yet, there are hopeful signs on the horizon. As we begin to emerge from the pandemic’s long shadow, workplaces continue to adapt and evolve, and many of us have been surprised – even impressed – […]

The R3 Continuum Playbook: Should I Start a Mental Wellness Program at My Company? – An Interview with Dr. George Vergolias, R3 Continuum on the Decision Vision Podcast

Dr. George Vergolias, Medical Director at R3 Continuum, was a guest on the Decision Vision podcast, hosted by Mike Blake, discussing whether an organization should start a mental wellness program. In this insightful episode, Dr. Vergolias laid out the considerations and issues involved, best practices for meeting the needs of people’s emotional and psychological health, the rise […]

Supporting Coworkers Mental Wellbeing – What Can I Do?

Everyone today is experiencing some level of distress—and everyone would benefit from some attention to their wellbeing. This is true of people in our personal lives, and in our coworkers. While some people are open and transparent with their struggles, others may be much more reserved and never discuss them. Whether the individual is affected […]

Workplace MVP: Dr. Sally Spencer-Thomas and Dr. Jodi Frey – Workplace Suicide Prevention

Sally Spencer-Thomas and Dr. Jodi Frey joined host Jamie Gassmann to discuss their work in raising awareness of the need for workplace suicide prevention programs. Both Sally and Jodi are tireless advocates and noted speakers on suicide prevention, and they were instrumental in creating the National Guidelines for Workplace Suicide Prevention. Each of them shared […]

Reducing the Stigma: Ways Leaders Can Support Employee mental Health

The mental health and overall wellbeing of employees remain a top priority for organizations. One of the biggest issues surrounding mental health is a lack of awareness for the level of support needed, as well as the overall stigma that surrounds mental health struggles—particularly within the professional realm. Ensuring that you are providing the proper […]

The R3 Continuum Playbook: How to Talk to Your Employer About Personal Disruption

When confronted with some disruptive circumstance, whether it’s simply being late to work or a more serious situation involving their mental health, employees must answer a few critical questions, including what to tell an employer. In this excerpt from a R3 Continuum webinar, Sarah Hathaway offers some advice on how to talk to your employer […]

Seeking Help: How to Talk to Your Employer about Personal Disruption

We have all experienced daily struggles in the workplace – printer is jammed, computer won’t connect to the Wi-Fi, someone drank the last of the coffee pot, the little things—but what about the greater disruptions that happen outside of the workplace in your personal life? Often, disruptions that happen outside of your work environment can […]

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