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Talking Sense: How to Have Contentious Workplace Conversations

Dr. George Vergolias and Elisha Engelen of Aon recently joined Minnesota Public Radio’s Angela Davis to answer questions and provide tips for employers struggling with how they should handle political and social issues in the workplace. As emotionally charged topics continue to bleed into the workday, these tips will be indispensable for leaders and employers […]

Want Healthier Leaders? Team up with HR

Leaders already carry a heavy burden, balancing the demands of running a successful business with their personal lives and responsibilities. They can’t be expected to build effective workplace wellbeing support on their own – which is where HR teams come in.  In his feature article for Executive Function Magazine, R3 Continuum Chief Clinical Officer Dr. […]

Are Law Firm Employee Wellness Programs Working?

More light is being shed on the ongoing mental health crisis in the legal profession, but even firm leaders who recognize the need for more holistic health support often run into persistent roadblocks when developing or honing mental wellbeing initiatives.  Dr. George Vergolias, chief clinical officer at R3, recently joined Heather Moulder on the Life […]

Political Conversations at Work May Seem Risky, But Stifling Them is Too

Against the backdrop of ongoing global turmoil and the lead-up to a potentially contentious U.S. general election, R3 Continuum’s Chief Clinical Officer Dr. George Vergolias talked with Minnesota Public Radio’s Catharine Richert to discuss how business leaders can navigate sensitive issues that naturally become part of workplace conversations. Dr. Vergolias explains how planful, intentional facilitated […]

Does Your Crisis Preparedness Plan Need to Change for Deepfake Threats?

Effectively supporting your employees means having a plan in place for new and emerging areas of conflict or crisis. Consider deepfakes and manipulated media, which can not only harm the reputation of a business but be a traumatic event for employees.  R3 Continuum’s Chairman Bruce Blythe was recently interviewed by Security Management Magazine, a publication […]

Mastering Crisis Control – Top 5 Strategies for Legal Managers Facing Workplace Trauma

No legal manager wants to think about a crisis impacting their organization, but having a clearly defined roadmap in place can make all the difference when one does. In his latest article for Legal Management, the magazine of the Association of Legal Administrators, R3 Continuum’s Chief Clinical Officer, Dr. George L. Vergolias, PsyD, CTM shares […]

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