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Finding Resilience After the Death of a Coworker

Looks like someone needs to go home and rest

While large-scale incidents like natural disasters or mass shootings undoubtedly can have an enormously disruptive impact on a work environment, it’s important to note that incidents of all sizes can (and do) affect an organization. One of the most common types of smaller-scale incidents that can impact employee mental health is the death of a […]

Processing Workplace Trauma After a Mass Shooting in Virginia Beach

On May 31, 2019, DeWayne Craddock turned in his letter of resignation to city management—leaving his position as a long-time employee within the city’s public utilities department, a municipal center. Hours later, he fatally shot 12 people and injured four others in a rampage at the same Virginia Beach municipal building within the Princess Anne area of Virginia Beach, VA. Police officers from the Virginia Beach Police Department responded, and the gunman was killed in a gunfight with the members of law enforcement.

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