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Disruptive Event Management: Why might it be important?

When an organization is hit with an event that carries the potential for impacting its employees in some fashion, it affects their ability to perform their work, which often affects the productivity of the organization, which, of course, can hit the bottom line. The organization can take a variety of responses, including the basic “ostrich […]

Handling the Aftermath of a Hurricane

As those impacted by Hurricane Harvey began cleanup, Hurricane Irma made a path for Florida, and wildfires burned out of control in the western states, I was traveling by car from New Orleans to Jackson, Mississippi, with my friend Wallace. These horrendously devastating events reminded us of Hurricane Katrina, which swept through Louisiana just 15 […]

Processing Grief Your Own Way

It may just be perception due to the rise of social media and the 24-hour news cycle, but it seems like the world is experiencing a lot of loss. Terrorism, high profile suicides, and other seemingly hard to explain events have us wondering what’s to come next. In the wake of these events, we are […]

Helping Employees with Grief

A goal in school is development of one’s professional self. This means gaining the skills and knowledge required to be a successful team member in one’s career. As students generate subject matter research, complete special certifications, and participate in extra circular activities, they add these achievements to their resumes and/or LinkedIn profiles to build their […]

Supporting Executives through Grief

Grief presents a unique set of professional challenges for high profile executives, including: Grief is known to affect the parasympathetic nervous system, the prefrontal cortex, and the limbic system; which could have significant impact on an individual.  However, if negotiated with awareness, utilizing the resources available, even growth can be possible following a disruptive event. […]

IME or Peer Review: How to Decide

Independent medical evaluations (IMEs) and peer reviews are frequently used behavioral health referrals used in the absence management industry. Some would say they can be used interchangeably. I, however, am not one of those people. IMEs and peer reviews are significantly different. While they may at times answer similar questions, they do so in different […]

Purpose of an FFD/FFD-VS

In this day and age of highly publicized workplace violence, the interest in fitness for duty (FFD) evaluations is growing. Private companies and governmental agencies are creating crisis response plans. Schools are practicing active shooter and lockdown protocols. Employers are concerned about the potential for violence in the workplace more than ever before and are […]

R3 Speaks: Affective vs. Predatory Violence: All Violence is not the Same

There is a clear and well-developed body of research showing that humans have two distinct psychobiological modes of violence and aggression response. One is Affective, or emotional; the other is Predatory, or targeted. Affective violence mobilizes the emotional “fight or flight” response system, towards thwarting off or evading a threat. Predatory violence mobilizes a more […]

Workplace Violence vs. Lone-Actor Terrorism – a False Dichotomy

How do we manage workplace violence differently from lone-actor terrorism? I get this question all the time from businesses and schools, large and small. The spirit of the question is sound. The wording is not. Talking about “workplace violence” vs. “lone-actor terrorism” is a false dichotomy. To unpack this confusion and add clarity, we need to dissect the wording. The workplace is a location, a […]

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