Why CFOs Need To Pay Attention To Workplace Disruptions

Workplace disruptions greatly effect all people in the workplace regardless if they were directly involved or not. It is up to the company leaders to know how to respond to ensure that there is not a negative impact on the workforce, their productivity and/or the company’s bottom line. Our president, Jim Mortensen, sat with StrategicCFO360 […]
The R3 Continuum Playbook: Coordinating Compassionate Care After Disruption – Not Your Typical Counseling

In this excerpt from a recent R3 Continuum webinar, Jeff Gorter, MSW, LCSW, Vice President of Crisis Response Clinical Service, answers questions about the behavioral health impact on employees following a disruption. He provides steps employers can take to address the disruptions their employees experience and how such adversity impacts job performance. The full webinar […]