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Mental Health in the Workplace: Learning to Prioritize and Support Overall Mental Wellbeing

Mental Health in the Workplace Learning to Prioritize and Support Overall Mental Wellbeing 2

While mental health has become increasingly normalized as a topic of conversation in our everyday lives (particularly within the past two years and during the pandemic), it continues to remain a challenge to address and support mental health struggles within the workplace. Many people still struggle with their mental health every day, whether they show it or not. The topic itself prompts several questions: how do I talk about my mental health with coworkers? Is it okay to do so? How can I help to create a safe space and be open so that my coworkers feel comfortable sharing mental health struggles with me?

Employees may also wonder how to identify signs a peer or coworkers (or themself) is struggling with their mental well-being in the first place.

Mental health can impact a person’s overall wellbeing, both at work and at home. In this 30-minute webinar, R3c Associate Medical Director, Dr. Tyler Arvig, will address challenging questions around this topic. Dr. Arvig will also provide information and resources for prioritizing and supporting the mental wellbeing of yourself and others.

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