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Leveraging Lessons Learned: Preparing for the Next Crisis

Leveraging Lessons Learned Preparing for the Next Crisis 2

As we are now well into 2021, it’s important to look back at 2020, take stock, and consider the powerful lessons we’ve learned. The unprecedented events that have taken place over the last two years have fundamentally changed us all, and it’s time to review that from an organizational wellbeing standpoint. What are some ways that you can proactively support and prepare your employees and organization to mitigate the effects of a crisis in the future? No one can predict when a crisis will happen, but ensuring that your team is ready, positions your business for success in the next normal.

In this webinar, R3 Continuum’s Vice President of Crisis Response Clinical Service, Jeff Gorter, MSW, LCSW, will be answering your questions and discussing how workplaces can best prepare themselves by utilizing what we’ve learned from the last year.

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Workplace behavioral health is more important than ever. R3 provides innovative, tailored solutions to cultivate it.

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