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Is Systemic Disruption our New Workplace Normal?

Is Systemic Disruption Our New Workplace Normal - 2

From the ongoing pandemic, violence, political and social disruption – workplaces are facing systemic disruption as the new workplace normal. As a business leader, you need to ensure the emotional impact on your workplace is managed so that your employees can thrive, and the organization can remain focused and productive.

Don’t let systemic disruption erode your workplace, learn how you can make a difference today to protect culture, morale, and the overall wellbeing of your employees and organization.

R3 Continuum Vice President of Crisis Response Clinical Services, Jeff Gorter, MSW, LCSW will be covering:

  • How systemic disruption impacts your organization as a whole
  • Strategies to support and empower you as a leader to effectively navigate through ongoing disruption
  • The mental health impact disruption has on your employees
  • Tips and resources to mitigate the impact of disruption in your work environment

Helping People and Organizations Thrive

Workplace behavioral health is more important than ever. R3 provides innovative, tailored solutions to cultivate it.

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