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The R3 Continuum Playbook: Should I Start a Mental Wellness Program at My Company? – An Interview with Dr. George Vergolias, R3 Continuum on the Decision Vision Podcast

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Dr. George Vergolias, Medical Director at R3 Continuum, was a guest on the Decision Vision podcast, hosted by Mike Blake, discussing whether an organization should start a mental wellness program. In this insightful episode, Dr. Vergolias laid out the considerations and issues involved, best practices for meeting the needs of people’s emotional and psychological health, the rise of telehealth, the potential returns of such programs, the characteristics of a successful program, and much more.

The show archive of the Decision Vision podcast can be found here.

The R3 Continuum Playbook is presented by R3 Continuum and is produced by the Minneapolis-St.Paul Studio of Business RadioX®. R3 Continuum is the sponsor of Workplace MVP, the show which celebrates heroes in the workplace.

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Workplace behavioral health is more important than ever. R3 provides innovative, tailored solutions to cultivate it.

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