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TeleOutreach and TeleSupport

Proactive and accessible telephonic support for employees following workplace disruption

call center worker

Behavioral Health Support to Promote Recovery

Providing the right level of care when and how your employees need it

The level of impact of disruptive workplace events create among your employees can vary depending on event type and their degree of involvement. Examples of high degree employee involvement include an employee providing CPR to a coworker, discovering a deceased colleague, or losing a close friend at work. Following these types of incidents, highly involved employees require and benefit from proactive and high-touch behavioral health support to aid them in their recovery. Meanwhile, employees with a lower degree of involvement benefit from behavioral health support they can easily access if and when they decide they need it.


R3’s TeleOutreach services are designed for employees who are directly and intensely impacted by a workplace disruption or incident. TeleOutreach ensures that each employee is proactively contacted a total of three times over the course of ten days.   During these telephonic check-ins our expert clinicians assess employees’ emotional wellbeing, provide tips on proper self-care, and help employees relocate and build on their natural resilience. Every employee is also provided with access to a 24/7/365 call in line, should they need additional on-demand assistance.


R3’s TeleSupport services are designed for employees who are less impacted by a workplace disruption or in situations where an employer does not have an employee assistance program for support. TeleSupport provides a 24/7 behavioral health hotline to employees for up to 30 days following a disruptive event. When called, our clinicians provide expert suggestions and education concerning self-care and coping strategies. The support provided helps employees have safely talk about the incident , normalize their reactions, and access tools for recovery.

When to engage: Timing is everything

When your workplace has been impacted by any event that disrupts your employees’ ability to work, it is imperative that you make a call for emotional support. Such events can include:

  • Employee death (either on or off the job)
  • On-the-job catastrophic accident
  • Robbery
  • Natural weather disaster (i.e., flood, earthquake, tornado, hurricane)
  • Shooting
  • Chronic stress or burnout
  • Organization downsizing or reduction in force

Don’t delay in providing emotional support. Immediate response is imperative for timely recovery while strengthening employee opinion of their leaders and organization.

TeleOutreach Process

Incident has occurred or is going to occur
Employer calls R3 with impacted employee names
R3 telephonic clinician makes 1st call within 60 minutes of request
R3 telephonic clinician makes 2nd call within 3-5 days
R3 telephonic clinician makes 3rd call within 3-5 days
Employer is notified of the outreach completion & concerns if present

TeleSupport Process

Incident has occurred or is going to occur
Employer calls R3 to obtain 24/7 hotline & provides to employees
Employee calls hotline & connects with a R3 telephonic clinician
R3 telephonic clinician provides coping strategies & emotional support
Employer is notified of support completion & concerns if present

R3 Can Help

Provide the right level of support when your employees need it most.

Supporting Employees

While you cannot know the extent to which your employees are suffering following a workplace disruption, you can provide proactive and accessible emotional support so they can begin their journey to a new normal.

Key benefits of utilizing TeleOutreach and TeleSupport in the aftermath of disruption:

Improving Community

Increasing Resilience

Enhancing Productivity

Individual Recovery


Reinforcing Psychological Safety

Helping People and Organizations Thrive

Workplace well-being is more important than ever. R3 provides innovative, custom solutions to cultivate it.

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