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Case Coordination

Mitigating lost productivity and the cost of claims

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Focused Return to Work Support

Helping employees overcome psychological struggles brought on by personal or professional disruption

Whether an employee experiences disruption inside or outside of work, the resulting  trauma and emotional impact can be debilitating to the extent that staying at or returning to work is a struggle. When this occurs, it is likely that underlying psychosocial factors are creating barriers preventing the individual from overcoming the emotional impact of the disruption.

In these cases, this situation, tailored and focused behavioral health intervention is needed to ensure the employee receives the right level of care to effectively overcome underlying psychosocial barriers, address the  emotional impact of the disruption, and promote return to or staying at work. R3’s case coordination services help impacted employees receive the care they need to recover and thrive while ultimately reducing duration of claims and lost productivity.

Overall support and case coordination is provided by our master’s level clinicians who are experts in human resilience. After receiving a referral and carefully shaping the case with the referrer, our coordination provider will vet and match an injured employee with a licensed counselor in their area. Ongoing, they will monitor the treatment sessions to ensure therapeutic focus remains on the specific disruptive event impacting the employee so that they can safely and effectively stay at or return to work.

Components of case coordination

  • Dedicated master’s-level mental health clinician managing the coordination of care
  • Connection of employee with a qualified counselor in their community
  • Oversight of counseling sessions to ensure therapeutic focus remains on the precipitating incident and sustained return-to-work
  • Monthly communication with involved parties (employee, referrer, and counselor)

When to engage: Situations that warrant case coordination

  • Following a workplace incident involving emotional, physical, or psychological distress (including, but not limited to, robberies, acts of violence, assaults, and accidents) where the employee is struggling to return-to or stay-at work or function in day-to-day life.
  • When an employee experiences trauma outside of work (robbery, assault, car accident, mass shooting, death of a family member or friend, etc.) and it is impacting their ability to function at work and home.

What you can expect: Guidance from human resilience experts

Don’t let personal or professional disruption debilitate your employee’s ability to thrive and perform in both life and at work. R3 can help provide them with tailored support that  breaks down the psychosocial barriers limiting full recovery from disruption.

Employer or claims adjuster sends referral to R3
R3 shapes the case with the referrer
R3 makes contact with employee within 24-48 hours of request
Provider is located in employee’s area
Regular updates provided to referrer of employee progress

R3 Can Help

Key benefits of utilizing R3 for helping support employees impacted by personal or professional disruption through case coordination:

Reinforced Support

Equipped Leadership

Informed Decisions

Empowered Employees

Helping People and Organizations Thrive

Workplace well-being is more important than ever. R3 provides innovative, custom solutions to cultivate it.

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