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What You Stand to Lose if You Don’t Focus on Behavioral Health in Return-to-Work

Senior woman working from home late at night. She is holding her head during stressful moments.

Returning to work after a disruptive event can be difficult for anyone. With that said, there are a lot of options and resources out there to help employees and individuals return-to-work in a timely and positive way.

With NWCDC coming up in November, R3 Continuum’s Tyler Arvig, PsyD, LP and U.S. Bank’s Todd Kirchner are presenting “Please Come Back! Innovating Approaches to Behavioral Workplace Integration”

Read this article for more information regarding the conference and how having a solid return-to-work plan is important in any workplace.

Helping People and Organizations Thrive

Workplace behavioral health is more important than ever. R3 provides innovative, tailored solutions to cultivate it.

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