Psychiatrist or Psychologist? Which one should you use for workplace evaluations?

How to determine the right behavioral-health specialty for your independent mental health assessments It’s a startling statistic: twenty-five percent of adults in the United States have been diagnosed with mental illness.1 With 1 in 4 Americans suffering with a behavioral health condition, individuals, families and communities are all affected. While some people can manage their condition […]
Why You Should Use Pre-employment Psychological Screening (Part 2)

Whether you’re a start-up company with just a few employees or a large corporation with hundreds of employees, it is expensive and time consuming to hire and retain a good employee. It’s challenging to tell if you have the right job candidate. While you’d think you could pick them out based on their resume or […]
Why Do You Need a Pre-Employment Psychological Screening? (Part 1)

When you’re trying to fill a job opening, you already screen resumes, conduct interviews and check candidate backgrounds. Why would you need to do a Pre-Employment Psychological Screening too? When the wrong person is in the wrong seat, they can’t do the job effectively. This costs your company money, from the start of the pre-hiring […]